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Huaxia Jianlong and Chengde College of Applied Technology Held the Third Name Sponsorship Class Opening Ceremony and Huaxia Jianlong Student Scholarship and Teacher Scholarship Award Ceremony

On the morning of May 10, 2023, the opening ceremony of the third School-enterprise Cooperation Name Sponsorship Class between Huaxia Jianlong and Chengde College of Applied Technology (referred to as CCAT) and the second Huaxia Jianlong Student Scholarship and Teacher Scholarship Award Ceremony were held in the conference room of the Intelligent Manufacturing Department of CCAT. Jin Wei, Executive Deputy General Manager of Huaxia Jianlong, Gong Chunhua, Manager of Personnel Administration Department and Director of Chengdu HR & Admin, as well as nearly 90 people from CCAT, including Hou Hongchang, the Deputy Dean, Qi Fupu, the Director of the Intelligent Manufacturing Department, and all the faculty and students of the Name Sponsorship class, attended the ceremony.

The 5th "Youth with Ambition" Series of Activities of Huaxia Jianlong - "Jianlong Cup" Badminton Competition Successfully Closed

In order to strengthen the development of corporate culture, stimulate the enthusiasm of all employees to work together, brave the challenges, and strive for excellence, and further deepen the school-enterprise cooperation, the "Jianlong Cup" Badminton Competition, the fifth "Youth with Ambition" series of activities of Huaxia Jianlong, were held at the gymnasium of Chengde College of Applied Technology (referred to as CCAT) from May 18 to May 19. A total of 44 contestants from 11 representative teams from various subsidiaries and CCAT participated in the competition.

Huaxia Jianlong and Chengde College of Applied Technology Jointly Held the "Jianlong Cup" Table Tennis Competition

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, further deepen the school-enterprise cooperation, enrich the life of employees, and enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, the "Jianlong Cup" Table Tennis Competition of the "July 1st Centennial Celebration of CPC Founding" series of Huaxia Jianlong was held in the stadium of Chengde College of Applied Technology (CCAT for short) on May 16 and 17. A total of 46 contestants from 11 representative teams from various subsidiaries and CCAT participated in the competition. Wang Xinghua, Dean of CCAT, and Jin Wei, Deputy General Manager of Huaxia Jiandong, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

The 2020 Annual Conference of Huaxia Jianlong Beijing Headquarters was Held Successfully

When the bell of the New Year is about to ring, the time has left a deep mark in the world. On the evening of December 28, Huaxia Jianlong's Beijing headquarters held the 2020 Annual Conference themed with "Focusing on Technological Innovation and Leading Quality Development". More than 50 senior executives, department heads, and employees in Beijing from Huaxia Jianlong, including Chairman and General Manager Yuan Zhanyong, Deputy General Manager Cong Gechen, Jin Wei, Wang Jiuhua, and others, gathered together to attend the Annual Conference.

Jindi Mining 5.04MW Photovoltaic Project Formally Connected to the Grid for Power Generation

At 10:58 am on December 1, 2022, Jindi Mining held a successful grid connection ceremony for the 5.04MW photovoltaic project. More than 100 people, including Li Dongfeng, General Manager of the company, Liu Bin, Chief Commander of the Photovoltaic Project, Jiang Hua, Deputy General Manager of the company, as well as representatives of the construction unit, and relevant technical personnel, attended the ceremony.

Huaxia Jianlong Held a Keynote Speech Titled "Advancing and Keeping the Original Aspiration of Youth at the 20th National Congress" and the 19th Anniversary of the Company - "Ode to Youth"

In order to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 19th anniversary of the company, and actively create a good atmosphere of hardworking and making progress, Huaxia Jianlong held a keynote speech titled "Advancing and Keeping the Original Aspiration of Youth at the 20th National Congress" and "Ode to Youth" in the form of video conference on the afternoon of September 19. Yuan Zhanyong, Chairman and General Manager of Huaxia Jianlong, together with members of the management at the headquarters and senior management personnel from various subsidiaries, attended the event.

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